Diamond Lapping Paste for Precise Finishes and Tolerances are available in white and light pink colours. The paste is used in metallographic finish on steel and hard metals. It is ideal for finish on Tungsten Carbide Dies, Mirror polish on steels and hard steel moulds and gauges etc. Varun Udyog Diamond Tools is an ISO 9001:2008 certified manufacturer of Diamond Lapping Paste for Precise Finishes and Tolerances.
Varun Udyog Diamond Tools offers diamond tools, associated accessories, diamond lapping paste, diamond lapping powder and resin metal bonded. Diamond Lapping Paste for Precise Finishes and Tolerances is available in various high and low concentration as per the characteristic required. Extra precaution is taken while packing these compounds so they remain safe from external factors and pack them in the standard packing of 5 grams syringes.