GMM Pfaudler Limited offers Conical Blender Dryers for Drying and Blending. GMM Pfaudler Limited is an ISO 9001:2008 company and is certified by ASME and TUV. GMM Pfaudler Limited supplies engineered equipment and systems for applications in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries. The Conical Blender Dryers are designed for drying and blending, in one operation, aggressive or metal-sensitive substances, also suitable for impregnating and concentrating, for pharmaceutical products, synthetic resins and other plastics, dye-stuff and pigments, metal soaps and catalysers.
The Conical Blender Dryers for Drying and Blending revolves, the top layers of the product roll down, constantly exposing new surface areas for faster drying. The gentle tumbling action intensifies the drying process while handling the product carefully, assuring an intimate mixture. The double cone shape balances the forces caused by the rotating product; prevent a substantial transfer of the gravity centre, protecting the aggregate from periodic impact stresses. The suitable speed of rotation is largely dependent from product properties and vessel size. Standard values are contained in the table overleaf. Operation under vacuum increase the drying speed respectively enables lower temperatures, which furthermore preserve the product. Drying results of 0.1% final moisture and less, have been obtained in a few hours. The optimum operating conditions should be determined by tests which may be carried out with your product in our research centre.
The Conical Blender Dryers for Drying and Blending are available in standardised form 400 to 6300 litres total volume. The specially designed units are available up to 8000 litres.