Jabbals manufactures 5KV Surge Comparison Tester. The 5KV Surge Comparison Tester is comprehensive tester to check the quality of electrical windings. This equipment is highly reliable, accurate and cost-effective. It is extremely versatile and a valuable tool to easily test the motors in the motor shop or field. As with a new enhanced feature of PC interface it can easily store the test results that can be printed when required.
Jabbals supplies Surge Comparison Tester, Automatic Sequential Analyzer, Automatic Safety analyzer, Automatic fan analyzer, Automatic Rotor tester and DC Hi-pot tester. This 5KV Surge Comparison Tester has been widely appreciated by motor manufacturers worldwide and has immensely improved the quality of the LT motors in the industry.
Benefits of 5KV Surge Comparison Tester are:
Applications of 5KV Surge Comparison Tester are: