HV Surge Tester with 500J/1000J energy - Model SWT 16 is manufactured by Aplab Limited. The company Aplab Limited is an ISO 9001-2000 certified company. The product HV Surge Tester with 500J/1000J energy is used to prevent occurrence of cable fault. Long outage of a cable from service results in heavy loss of revenue to the power distribution company, production loss to industries as well as unpleasant condition to general public. HV Surge Tester with 500J/1000J energy locates the fault in minimum possible time and restoring the supply. HV Surge Tester with 500J/1000J energy is a powerful instrument to pre-locate the fault distance and exactly locate the fault point in a short time. HV Surge Tester with 500J/1000J energy offers 500J/1000J energy on 4, 8 and 16 KV ranges that allows its use on LT as well as HT networks effectively.