Dynalog [India] Limited offers Terminal Servers: Moxa-NPort 6150. Dynalog [India] Limited is an ISO 9001: 2000 certified company. The Moxa-NPort® 6150 is a 1-port device server that uses the SSL and SSH protocols to transmit encrypted serial data over Ethernet. The Moxa-NPort® 6150`s 3-in-1 serial port supports RS-232, RS-422, and RS-485, with the interface selected from an easy-to-access configuration menu. Moxa`s terminal servers offer specialized functions and security features required when establishing terminal connections to a network. Multiple Async devices such as terminals, modems, data switches, mainframe computers, and POS devices, etc can be connected through the terminal server and made available to network hosts and processes.
Terminal Servers: Moxa-NPort 6150 has the following features and benefits:
For many applications, guaranteeing secure data transmission is an important concern when connecting serial devices to a network. In answer to this concern, the Moxa-NPort® 6150 supports the SSL and SSH protocols, which work by encrypting data before sending it over the network.
Specifications of NPort 6150:
Physical Characteristics