Silicon Interfaces Pvt. Ltd. Offers Link Layer Controller with Cycle Master Cable. Silicon Interfaces Pvt. Ltd. Supplies solutions and services in the technology segment and as a technology-facilitator for retail, banking, financial, telecom, travel and trade segment for internet, applications and the enterprise using Microsoft, J2EE and IBM technologies on Microsoft Operating Systems and UNIX on Intel compatible and other processor platforms. Link Layer Controller with Cycle Master Cable is a functional block available for insertion into a customer`s ASIC design, which supports the IEEE 1394-1995 Draft specifications for a high-speed serial bus. Link Layer Controller with Cycle Master Cable
Is implemented using VHDL synthesizable code to provide portability across Silicon Interfaces` Gate Array and Cell-Based ASIC technologies. It provides data packet delivery service for asynchronous and isochronous [real-time] data transmission. It performs arbitration request, packet generation and checking as well as data and acknowledgement transmission.