Flush Mounted Microcontroller Automatic Power Factor Control Relay switches the connected capacitors on and off so that the power factor is maintained at target value. The Automatic Power Factor Control Relay is a compact micro controller based unit used to compensate the power factor of major on/off loads such as compressor, utility supply transformer etc. The Power Factor Control Relay is used to compensate the Power Factor of Major on/off loads such as compressor, utility supply transformer etc. The Flush Mounted Microcontroller Automatic Power Factor Control Relay comes with built-in all factory set parameter.
Automatic Power Factor Control Relay is manufactured by Neon Controls. Neon Controls also manufactures a wide range of instruments catering to Power Factor Control, Power and Energy Management and Power Factor Management. The range of products include Digital Panel Meter, Set point Relay, Automatic Power Factor Control Relay , Power Factor Control Relay, Digital Voltmeter, Digital Ammeter, Earth Resistance Tester, Multifunction Meter, Energy Meter, Tap Position Indicator, Relay Test Set, Oil Testing Kit, Voltage Test Set, Current Injection Sets etc. Neon Controls is an ISO 9001:2008 recognised company.