Device for Low level Laser Therapy [LLLT] is used for soft tissue injuries, joint conditions, chronic pain, nonĀhealing wounds and ulcers, post operation pain and acupuncture. This device delivers 10mW - 500mW [0.2 > 0.01 Watts]. The power density ranges from 0.05W/Cm2 > 5 W/Cm2. The red and near infrared light [600nm-1000nm] commonly used in LLLT can be produced by laser or high intensity LED. The intensity of LLLT lasers and LED`s is not high like a surgical laser. There is no heating effect. Device for Low level Laser Therapy is supplied by Nuk Healthcare.
Nuk Healthcare offers a wide range of healthcare products consisting of anti-snoring devices, therapeutic diode lasers, orthotic products, wheel chairs, etc. Device for Low level Laser Therapy works differently from ultrasound and it works quickly from within the cell and often resolves conditions that have not responded to manual therapy or ultrasound treatments.