IPG presents low-order-mode kilowatt-class fiber lasers range in power from 1 kilowatt to 50 kilowatts. The product offered is operating in CW or modulated modes up to 20 kHz with wall-plug efficiency of greater than 25 percent. The dynamic operating range of these devices ranges from 10 percent to 105 percent of full power with no change in beam divergence or beam profile throughout the entire range. This allows a previously unheard-of capability: a single laser unit can be utilized for both high-power and low-power applications and for both welding and precision cutting. The divergence specifications from these lasers are superior by orders of magnitude over any other laser operating at these power levels. This characteristic permits the use of long focal-length processing lenses for vastly improved depth-of-field. The units can be supplied with fiber lengths to 200 meters and an available range of multi-port beam switches, beam combiners, scanners and fiber diameters. Multi-kilowatt applications include welding body-in-white, tailored blanks, remote welding, pipe welding, plate welding; cutting: hydro-formed parts, plate, and thin sheet metal; brazing; powder deposition; hardening; drilling; rock and concrete drilling.