10 to 500W Single Mode Linearly Polarized Ytterbium Fiber Lasers, YLR- LP Series is presented by IPG. It is a diode pumped single mode, linearly polarized CW Ytterbium fiber laser systems with a combination of high power, ideal beam quality, fiber delivery and high wall plug efficiency. These laser systems possess a reliability that is unmatched by any other kind of solid state or gas laser system. A wide selectivity of operating wavelengths, ultra-low amplitude noise, high stability and ultra-long pump diode lifetime complete a list of advantages of this modern fiber laser system. It is different from the YLR-SM series as that the output light is linearly polarized making the YLR-LP Series ideally suited for many applications. The application areas of the product include materials processing, SHG, Medical and Scientif. The salient features of the Single Mode Linearly Polarized Ytterbium Fiber Lasers: