100W to 1.5kW Single Mode CW Ytterbium Fiber Lasers is offered by IPG Photonics. YLR-SM Series presents of diode pumped single mode CW Ytterbium fiber laser systems of near infrared spectral range [1060-1080nm] with a combination of high power, ideal beam quality, fiber delivery and high wall-plug efficiency. These laser systems possess a reliability that is unmatched by any other kind of solid state or gas laser system. There is the wide selectivity of operating wavelengths; ultra-low amplitude noise, high stability and ultra-long pump diode. The product finds its application in Micromachining, Cutting, Drilling, Thermal Printing, Engraving Sintering and
Sintering. The salient features of the 100W to 1.5kW Single Mode CW Ytterbium Fiber Lasers: