Large Display Indicator for pressure indication is available with display Size: 3 inches, 4 inches, 6 inches, 8 inches, 12 inches is the product of Pyrotech. The company Pyrotech is an ISO 9001:2000 company and involved in manufacturing of Electronic Process Control Instruments, Panels and Sensors. The product Large Display Indicator for pressure indication is provided with Input: RTD, T/c, Resistance, Current, and Voltage. Large Display Indicator for pressure indication has Display: 7 segment, 3½/4½ digit. The supply of the Large Display Indicator for pressure indication is 110/230V AC. Large Display Indicator for pressure indication comes with accuracy : plus or minus 0.1 percent of span, plus or minus 1 LSD. Large Display Indicator for pressure indication is used in areas that include drum level, drum pressure indication in power plant, steel plants.