Top Mounted Level Indicator reduce the risk of hazardous fluids getting spilled through any leakage and comprise floats that are channelized in the tank through perforated pipe and sealed glass tubes. The Indicator provides high levels of security to the storage tanks and has tank depth ranging from 3.5 to 5 meters. The Indicator has float steam tip that that has in-built pointers, which correctly indicates the level. The Indicator has 4" NB or 6" NB mounting range and has HDPE, PVC, TEFLON, glass and stainless steel made float. The Indicator has mild steel, cast steel, stainless steel with collar, HDPE, P.P., P.V.C, Teflon, FRP made guide pipe. The Top Mounted Level Indicator has acrylic or bakelite scale with least count of 0.5 cm and P.P, PVC, or teflon made indicator.