Product Profile of Automatic Power Factor Control System
Pradeep Sales & Service is manufacturing Automatic Power Factor Control System. The Automatic Power Factor Control System is used for various utility at industrial companies.
Pradeep Sales & Service, an ISO 9001 registered organization supplies electrical equipment like Local Winding Temperature Indicator, Current Converter Unit, Automatic Servo Voltage Stabilizer, Digital Temperature Scanner, Current Transformer Ct, RTD System, Electrical Relays, Transformer Relays, Data Logger, TPI Annunciators, AVR, Industrial Relays, Transducer, etc.
Key Features of Automatic Power Factor Control System
- PF Target Power Factor [1.70 to 1.00]
- PF Cap / Ind: Lagging /Leading Target Power Factor.
- Dead band: Dead band for target Power Factor [0.00 t0 0.30].
- Corr. Delay: Capacitor - switching delay [1 to 250].
- Ct Rating 1A / 5A : Current rating for the current transformer/ [select 1 AMP if the CT input is received through the select 5Amp if the CT input is received through the R5 pin of the power connector].
- Ct Ratio: turns ratio for the current transformer [1 to 200]
- OverVtg: Over Volatage.
- UnderVtg: Under Voltage
- UnderCurr: Under Current
- OvercComp: Over Compensation
- UnderComp: Under Compensation
- Ct. conn: Incorrect CT Connetion