Standard machinery offers autoscan spectrophotometers. The dtp4i series ii auto scan spectrophotometer gives exact colour measurements. By measuring colour with spectral technology, the dtp4i is able to offer a host of functions including density or colorimetry functions. Its wide flexibility has made the dtp4i an instrument of choice by all the major proofing systems, colour management software and digital printing manufacturers. It`s fully automated to quickly measure a whole row of colour information from a colour target. It automatically sends the measurement data directly to your colour software. Scans take only a few seconds allowing a typical icc profile target to be scanned in under 10 minutes. The dtp4i series ii offers a w model to help deal with fluorescent paper brighteners commonly found in proofing papers. Reducing the fluorescent effect from the brighteners, the uv model will assure accurate colour measurement on these medias. The transmission model offers dual reflection and transmission capability which is an extremely versatile tool for a variety of applications including photo-transparencies, research and testing.