Hardcastle & Waud Mfg Co. Ltd. Offers Non-Oxidising Pure Short Oil Alkyd. Hardcastle & Waud Mfg Co. Ltd is into the manufacturing of specialty products for metal working industries, insulating varnishes for the electrical industry, synthetic resins for printing and like industries, compressed asbestos jointing`s for engineering and other industries and also industrial laminator and protective paints. The Non-Oxidising Pure Short Oil Alkyd is a pale, non-oxidising resin with good colour retention and durability. The Non-Oxidising Pure Short Oil Alkyd is applicable to improve performance of lacquers. This Non-Oxidising Pure Short Oil Alkyd is normally recommended to be used with one to two parts of Non-Oxidising Pure Short Oil Alkyd per one part of nitrocellulose. Where two parts of Non-Oxidising Pure Short Oil Alkyd is applied for one part of nitrocellulose, no extra plasticiser is required. The Non-Oxidising Pure Short Oil Alkyd make finishes of minimum chalking, good gloss and good rubbing properties. The Non-Oxidising Pure Short Oil Alkyd is made to provide good gloss, and superb colour retention in white enamels with highest integrity. This Non-Oxidising Pure Short Oil Alkyd is mainly used in Cabinet Finishes Adhesives, Amine cure stoving finishes, Hospital Equipment Refrigerator Enamels, Automative and Coach Lacquers Furniture Lacquers.
Some salient features of this Non-Oxidising Pure Short Oil Alkyd are as follows: