Polypropylene Flame Retardant Master Batches is manufactured by Poddar Pigments Limited. These master batches are highly effective halogen free flame retardant that can be utilized for wide spectrum of polypropylene filament and fiber products. The master batches can be processed on LOY, POY and FDY spinning routes over a broad denier range.
Poddar Pigments Limited, an ISO 9001:2008 QMS registered company is the supplier of Color & Additive Masterbatches for dope dyeing of man- made fibres, various plastic applications and Engineering Plastics and Compounds. The Polypropylene Flame Retardant Master Batches are used for making carpets for houses and industrial services, automotive fabrics; woven/ knitted fabrics for broad range of services e.G. Upholsteries, baggages, furnishing fabrics, wall and floor coverings and draperies etc; and non wovens for various industrial and geological services.