Product Profile of Silone 1000 Silicone
Britacel are manufacturers of specialty silicones which cater to the needs of textile finishing, silicone emulsions, defoamers for hot spinning and jet dyeing, body fillers, water repellents, printing products and reactive dyes. Silone 1000 is dimethyl polysiloxane whose structure, combination of chemical and physical properties are dependent on the presence of oxygen silicone skeleton. It has the following distinct features:
- Silone 1000 is a semi-inorganic fluid chemically related to glass, quartz
- Mineral silicates possesses much of the stability and dielectric properties of this group.
- Silone 1000 provides antistatic effect.
- Silone 1000 imparts lubrication properties.
- It is characterised by non-toxicity and non-irritating, oxidation resistance, high resistance to permanent break down due to shear, uniform retention of physical properties over a wide range of temperature and frequencies and long service life.
- Silone 1000 reduces interfibre friction and minimizes the problems encountered in high speed.
- Silone 1000 is soluble in hydrocarbon solvents, in chlorinated solvents and in low molecular weight aromatic solvents.