Product Profile of Microsil 500 Silicone
Britacel are manufacturers of specialty silicones. Microsil 500 is a micro amino silicone and unlike conventional silicones finishes amino functional groups are present on the siloxane backbone. Microsil 500 due to its small particle size is able to cross link with fibers and fabrics from water dispersion and this affinity lasts permanently. Its salient features are as follows:
- Microsil 500 cross links with the fibers and fabrics and gives a very durable finish.
- It imparts softness and lubricity to textile fabrics especially wool, cotton, silk, nylon, polyester acrylics and their blends suiting and dress material
- It is said to increase the tear strength and crease resistance of treated fabrics.
- It offers surface smoothness along with body break
- Microsil 500 if exposed to atmospheric air for a prolonged duration causes haziness and hence should be kept in closed condition away from direct sunlight.