Synthesized Portable Radio for Reliable Communications is manufactured by Simoco Telecommunications [SA] Limited. Simoco Telecommunications [SA] Limited is an ISO 9001
Accredited company that manufactures complete range of high-performance products and systems in the field of mobile communication like handhelds, HF Communications, mobile fixed stations, repeaters, HF fax & email systems, MPT, Simulcast and TETRA. These products manufactured by the company are used by the critical users like Police, Paramilitary, Public Safety, Utilities, Electricity and the Railways.
Synthesized Portable Radio for Reliable Communications available under the model no. "PT2208 / 3208" comes with minimum of complexity. It is available in high band VHF & UHF frequency bands with 12.5 and 25 kHz channel spacing. The 16 channels can be spread throughout the frequency band without loss of performance.