Dispatcher Terminal with Ambience Listening Option is manufactured by Simoco Telecommunications [SA] Limited. Simoco Telecommunications [SA] Limited is an ISO 9001 certified company that manufactures complete range of high-performance products and systems in the field of mobile communication like handhelds, HF Communications, repeaters, HF fax & email systems, MPT, Simulcast and TETRA.
The Dispatcher Terminal with Ambience Listening Option, T-MATRIX™, provides easy communication with other TETRA subscribers [using individual or group voice calls or Short Data Service messaging], and can also log, monitor and control other system traffic so as to allow the operator to effectively manage, supervise and control the radio communications of an organization. The Dispatcher is available with desk microphone, loudspeaker, headset and footswitch PTT options.
Dispatcher functions are accessed via a user-friendly GUI [Graphical User Interface] and include many of the TETRA services relevant to an operational dispatch environment, such as creating Groups, initiating Broadcasts etc. In addition to standard monitoring functions, the T-MATRIX™ Dispatcher can discreetly monitor individual calls either between TETRA subscribers or between a TETRA subscriber and an external user [e.G. A telephone subscriber connected via a Telephone Gateway ].