Micro Technologies [India] Ltd manufactures Exhibitor Visitor Participant Management Security Tracking System. Micro Technologies [India] Ltd is an ISO 9001: 2000 certified company. Exhibitor Visitor Participant Management Security Tracking System is a next Generation system prepared for the management of exhibitions, keeping in mind the needs of Exhibition Industry. It gives complete solution to the big organizers to manage the participants list and details and make proper use of it when needed. It is also useful for the Exhibitors to manage the visitors. The visitors use this to keep a track on the current and upcoming exhibitions and other details about the exhibition and the exhibitors. It is available in two modes Offline Version and Online Version. This system bridges the gap between the Exhibitor & the Visitor. It also supports online information via LAN. It also supports Email and SMSes. It is an automated system for Exhibitions and benefits Organizers, Exhibitors & Visitors.