Polycom Associates offers Flexible Insulating Electrical Motor Laminate Class `E` & `F`. Polycom Associates manufactures flexible multi-layer composites. Flexible Insulating Electrical Motor Laminate Class `E` & `F` are made by coating/impregnating flexible materials with ‘B’ stage reactive coating of resin. Flexible Insulating Electrical Motor Laminate Class `E` & `F` are tack free at room temperature but become tacky at 110 degree C to 130 degree C. These are converted to ‘c’ stage by heat energy & pressure to achieve good bonding to the conductor. The resin system depends on processing condition but usually epoxy resin is used. The laminates are used for layer insulation in dry type transformers, conductor covering of high voltage machines, choke coils, armature insulation, etc. These are available in rolls of 900 mm width & in narrow width of 20 mm onwards [multiples of 5mm]. It is available in the brand name of Prepegs.
Advantages of Flexible Insulating Electrical Motor Laminate Class `E` & `F` are as follows: