Polycom Associates supplies Electrolytic Copper Foil with Polyester Film Cable Wrap. Polycom Associates manufactures flexible multi-layer composites. Electrolytic Copper Foil with Polyester Film Cable Wrap help in presenting the best design of cable construction due to their high-tech process of manufacturing by advance machineries & selected raw materials. Electrolytic Copper Foil with Polyester Film Cable Wrap have two layers combination as electrolytic copper foil with polyester film/KAPTON bonded with superior adhesive under strict specification and standards required for cable for cable designs. The total thickness is achieved through different thicknesses of polyester film. The composites are used in cables for telecommunication, electrical data processing, automobile industries and air & space travel. It is available in the brand name of Polycop.
Advantages of Electrolytic Copper Foil with Polyester Film Cable Wrap are as follows: