Jupiter Electronics offers Temperature Compensated Low Pressure PC Board Mountable Pressure Sensor, Model 13. The Sensor is a temperature compensated, piezoresistive silicon pressure sensor packaged in TO-8 configurations. It provides excellent performance and long-term stability. Integral temperature compensation is provided over a range of 0-50°C [° ° ;] using a laser-trimmed ceramic compensation board. An additional laser-trimmed resistor is included which can be used to adjust the gain of an external differential amplifier and provide sensitivity interchangeability of ± [± ± ;] 1%. The sensing element used in low pressure Model 23 has a double bossed design that produces a high sensor output of 100 mV [typical] at 1 PSI. The Sensor is also available in ranges up to 0- 250 PSI. The specific features are as follows:
Temperature Compensated Low Pressure PC Board Mountable Pressure Sensor, Model 13 finds its application in the following areas