Jupiter Electronics is engaged in manufacturing Medium Pressure Sensor with 0-100 mV Output. The Medium Pressure Sensor with 0-100 mV Output is a temperature compensated, piezoresistive silicon pressure sensor, packaged in a dual in- line configuration. It is intended for cost sensitive applications where excellent performance and long-term stability are required. Integral temperature compensation is provided over a range of 0-50°C [° ° ;] using laser-trimmed resistors. The pressure sensor is available in absolute or ranges differential pressure from 0-5 psi to 0-100 psi. The pressure ports are 1/8" barbed ports which mate with3/32" ID tubing. These tubes are parallel to the printed circuit board to allow other boards to be located above the sensor. The features of the Medium Pressure Sensor with 0-100 mV Output are as follows: