Jupiter electronics manufactures head mount two wire temperature transmitters with two-wire standard head mount design. These transmitters accept input signals for rtd and thermocouple and convert it into industrial standard [4-20] ma output signal proportional to mv or resistance input. Also, they are extensively used to minimize the effect of electrical noise and to eliminate the need of long runs of special compensating and three wire cables since ordinary pair of copper wires can easily be used with this transmitter without the drop or loss of input signal. Current signal is less susceptible to industrial rfi / emi nose compared to voltage signal. Technical specifications of these transmitters are: Input- j.K.T.E. Thermocouple or rtd [pt - 100] Range- subject to specified input. [user should specify the required range] Output- [4-20] ma corresponding to the specified temperature range Accuracy- +/-0.5 percent of the calibrated span or better including linearity, hysterisis and compensation error