National sports manufactures and exports quality-sporting goods. It offers a wide range of fitness equipments, which are safe and durable. It manufactures, supplies and exporters of swimming accessories. The range of swimming pool accessories includes racing lane, diving brick, sinkers rig, diving stick and rubber wrist band.
Swimming accessories
Racing lane- marking disc 4" half full - smd-005, float [donut] - smd-005b
Diving brick - rubber brick with round neither edges that does not hurt the swimmer, do nor damagr pool surface in red/blue and black colours. Junior - sdb-003, senior - sdb-004
Sinkers rig ssr-001 - coloured ring weighted on one side to sink rapidly and stand vertically on the surface of the pool.
Diving stick sss-002 - same usage as sinker rings in 6 different colours.
Rubber wrist band swb-006 - 95mmx 13mmx 1.2mm
Pool figures made of waterproof heavy-duty cloth include frog, fish, flower and starfish.