The High Expansion Synthetic Foam Concentrate is a non-toxic synthetic foam concentrate made of ten sides, stabilizers, anti-freeze etc and can be used in all types of high expansion foam generating equipments. This concentrate is an effective synthetic foam concentrate to extinguish Class A & Class B like wood, paper, products, plastics, rubber, hydrocarbon fuels etc. High Expansion Synthetic Foam Concentrate is manufactured by Integrated Fire Protection Pvt. Ltd.
Integrated Fire Protection Pvt. Ltd. An ISO 9001:2000 and 14001-2004 registered organization supplies fire fighting foam, extinguisher, hand line applicator and dry chemical powder. High Expansion Synthetic Foam Concentrate can also be used as Medium Expansion Foam with suitable equipments. This concentrate cools, extinguishes and helps to suppress toxic vapours and is suitable for use with fresh as well as brackish and salt water suitable at 3% proportioning without altering extinguishing /vapour suppression efficiency.