The Around the Pump Inductor is a device of making Foam-Water solution by inducing foam concentrate into the water at a required proportion. This device under the model name IFP-API-60 is a manually controlled variable capacity inductor with proportioning and metering device suitable for installation in a By-Pass line between the discharge and suction of a water pump. No further attention is required during operation if the unit is installed properly and set the induction rate correctly except, for ensuring required supply of foam concentrate from time to time. Around the Pump Inductor is manufactured by Integrated Fire Protection Pvt. Ltd.
Integrated Fire Protection Pvt. Ltd. An ISO 9001:2000 and 14001-2004 registered organization supplies fire fighting foam, extinguisher, hand line applicator and dry chemical powder. The Around the Pump Inductor has high range of induction capacity and manually controlled variable induction mechanism.