Brijbasi hi tech udyog is a manufacturer of fire fighting vehicles and equipment in india. Established in 1971, the company has a facility at mathura near delhi and approved for testing and commissioning for fire vehicles and equipment by the government of india. The company claims to have produced over 3000 fire vehicles in more than 25 years. The vehicles are custom made to satisfy the varying needs of the customers which include ministry of defence, oil refineries, petrochemical complexes, ongc, fertilizer complexes, thermal power plants, port trusts, state and municipal fire brigades, atomic energy establishments, railways, civil aviations, steel plants and other organizations. The product range of the company includes water tender, foam tender, combined foam tender, foam cum dcp tender, airfield rescue/crash fire tender, dry powder tender, emergency rescue tender, special fire tender, portable fire pumps, trailer fire pumps, water and foam monitors, long range foam/water monitor trolley and foam nurse trailers.