Product Profile of Eeg Emg/ Ep Systems
Aerobe specializes in manufacturing eeg emg/ ep systems. They are eeg system for research and eeg for routine application.
Eeg for research:
- Brain amp amplifier & acti cap - range of brain amp amplifiers from 32 channel to 256 channels for research. Brain analyser software for analysis. Acticap is an electrode cap with active electrodes which can be connected to all brain products amplifiers and to every other amplifier from different manufacturers.
Impedance measurement displayed directly at the electrodes as well as active shielding and generating test signals for operation mode testing is implemented. Movement and environmental noise artifacts are reduced significantly. Subject preparation within 15 minutes [128channels].
Eeg for routine application:
- Eeg emg/ ep systems for routine diagnosis, video eeg. Modular systems in 32, 64, 128 channels.