Formac engineering manufactures special purpose machines with customer specifications and designs with responsibility for design, fabrication work holding fixturing and cutting tool inputs till try out stage since in 1968. The latest from the company is a single end [se] fine boring machine for crankcase. These fine boring machine for crankcase are available with technical specifications like single end fine boring machine; crank case for 2 wheeler component; aluminium alloy lm4w material; line boring in crank case assembly 0.042 operation; - 62 0.062 mm diameter, -.037, 52 .057 mm and +0.052 22 + 0.02 mm bore size; it 7 hole quality; 1 min cycle time; and 1.0 ura surface finish. The other products of the include machining of components for automobile and farm equipments; components for pneumatic demolition, drilling and chipping tool industry; manufacture and supply of defense components; deep hole drilling by gun drilling, bta and ejector drilling process; and over 70 deep hole drilling machine tools in operation by various systems for sophisticated nuclear and defence users.