Formac engineering offers deep hole drilling machine. The formac deep hole drilling machine is for pallet mill dies for animal feed preparation to obtain power saving through reduced friction, superior surface finish, and better life of the moulds. The company, a pioneer in the field of deep hole drilling and spms, can increase productivity substantially in future models by offering multi spindle drilling machines. The machine uses gun drills of 2.5 mm and upwards to 8 mm. Pallet mill dies are clamped horizontally on a special rotary clamping arrangement and the drilling unit can drill as many as 600 to 1000 precision holes in the desired pattern with a high degree of accuracy and unmatched surface finish. Manufacturers of animal feeds and granary plant are switching over from hss twist drills to carbide gun drills only because it ensures a superior finish to the moulds which substantially reduces frictions and no feed sticking in the moulds thereby ensuing less usage of power a very high element in the cost of production of the manufacture of feed pallet mill. The machine can be further developed on the basis of 2- or 4-spindle and can be built in the configuration suitable to the customer with a 3-jaw chuck for clamping of work pieces equipped with high pressure coolant equipment including filtration and cooling arrangement. The pallet dies can be made out of special alloyed materials as well as stainless steel to meet with the requirement of the feed industries. The machine is equipped to take varying load factors sensitive enough to drill a 2 mm hole and robust enough to drill a 8 mm hole.