M.V.J Foods [India] Pvt. Ltd. Offers Food Supplement Diacaap for Diabetics. M.V.J Foods [India] Pvt. Ltd. Is an ISO 9001: 2000 certified company. The Food Supplement Diacaap falls under the category of Melam Ayurvedic Products. The Food Supplement Diacaap for Diabetics is used for diabetic and those who prone to diabetes from the world of spices, fruits and vegetables. It is a natural dietary food supplement for diabetic patients and it combines Indian spices, fruits, vegetables and leaves. It is also ideal for those who have hereditary traits to develop diabetes. The ingredients used in making Food Supplement Diacaap for Diabetics are Bitter Gourd; Gooseberry; Curry Leaves; Neem Leaf; Fenugreek; Turmeric; and Clove.