Mahesh Agri Exim Pvt. Ltd manufactures and exports Grayish Brown Nutmeg for use in Culinary Purposes. Nutmeg is a spreading, evergreen tree. The Nutmeg tree bears two distinctive products - Nutmeg, which is the kernel of the seed, and Mace, which is the dried aril that surrounds the single seed within the fruit. The color of these aromatic seeds is grayish brown, with the furrows sometimes white in color because of lining. Grayish Brown Nutmeg for use in Culinary Purposes has a warm, sweet and aromatic flavor. Grayish Brown Nutmeg for use in Culinary Purposes and mace are used in soups and in egg, fish chicken, cheese, root vegetable dishes. They are also used in bakery items like biscuits, cookies, puddings, pastries, fruit salads, milk drinks etc. The oily forms of nutmeg and mace manufactured by Mahesh Agri Exim Pvt. Ltd are used in meat seasonings, soft drinks and pharmaceuticals purposes which includes the making of cough mixtures.