India Carbon Ltd. Supplies Electrode Carbon Paste - ECP. India Carbon Ltd. Is the manufacturer of calcined petroleum coke [CPC], electrode carbon paste [ECP] and tamping paste which is used widely in the Ferro alloys and allied industries. Electrode Carbon Paste - ECP is a paste processed from a mix of a specific fraction of calcined petroleum coke [CPC] and / or electrically calcined anthracite coal [ECA],ΓΏ impregnated with selective coal tar pitch binder at a definite temperature. Electrode Carbon Paste - ECP is used in submerged arc furnaces for production of various Ferro Alloys and Calcium Carbide. The required quantity of binder is also weighed separately and added to the mixer. The mixing of this paste is continued for a pre-determined period known as the mixing cycle. At the end of the mixing cycle, the mixed material is dumped on the mould box and cast into blocks for shipment.