4-Amino 2:5 Dimethoxy N.Methyl Sulphonamide comes with 228°C- 230°C melting point. Crystal Quinone Pvt. Ltd. Is an ISO 9001-2008 company that offers 4-Amino 2:5 Dimethoxy N.Methyl Sulphonamide. Crystal Quinone Pvt. Ltd. Is the supplier of Food Antioxidants, Vinyl Sulphones, Dyes, Pigments and inorganic Chemicals. 4-Amino 2:5 Dimethoxy N.Methyl Sulphonamide comes with an Assay level of minimum 98.00%. By N.V. The CAS No. Is [49701-24-8]. It is available in the appearance of light pinkish buff colour powder.