Product Profile of Rubber Mats For Electrical Purpose Uses
Jyotin Rubber Udyog [I] Ltd supplies Rubber Mats for Electrical Purpose Uses. Jyotin Rubber Udyog [I] Ltd is an ISO 9002 awarded company. Rubber Mats for Electrical Purpose Uses is also used as floor covering around electrical panels as a safeguard to the life and limb of the workmen due to possible leakage of current and short-circuit and also in power generation plants, sub-stations, workshops etc.
Key Features of Rubber Mats For Electrical Purpose Uses
- Composition : Manufactured out of rubber compound of high quality Natural Rubber.
- Surface: The rubber mats have chequered, anti-skid fluted design or plain at bottom
- Thickness Range: 8.5 mm to 25 mm for chequered or fluted 6.5 mm to 25 mm for plain.
- Length x Width: 2.0 mtr x 1.0 mtr, 1.8 mtr x 0.9 mtr.
- Colour : Black
- Technical Particulars : Tensile strength 50 kgf/cm2 Elongation at break 250 percent
- Breakdown Strength : not less than 40000 volts as per the procedure outlined in IS : 2584/83.