General instruments corporation offers dc portable holiday detector.The premature corrosion of a substrate is often due to the failure of its coating. The consequent cosi of repairs, loss of production and combination of the process can be considerable. A major reason which can cause a failure is the presence of flaws in the finished coating, including holidays and thin spots. Every inspection for coating flaws will prevent the expense and inconvenience of failure.Gic offers holiday detectors ftom elcometer instrument ltd, uk. The dc portable holiday detector uses the high voltage technique to detect pinholes, holidays, thin spots, bubbles and inclusions. In the high voltage technique, a detector generates a high dc voltage which is supplied to a suitable probe. As the probe is passed over the coated surface, a flaw is indicated by a spark and audible and visual alarms in the detector and probe handle. It is light, compact, battery operated, easily carried-ideal for site work and is flexible for most surface shapes and sizes. The voltage output is adjustable. Within the range to avoid damage to sound coatings. This instrument find favorable applications in areas like: bitumen or epoxy on concrete, eg, storage tanks, water and sewage treatment facilities; vitreous enamel; testing insulating coatings on oil, gas and water pipelines made from metal or concrete. Also available is a mains operated holiday detector for fixed inspection work. Its applications are: checking cable and electric blanket insulation; insulating coatings protecting a conductive substrate ftom corrosion, eg, valve and valve bodies for chemical plants, oil, water and sewage pipelines; other factory and fixed location work.