
Tablet Hardness Tester

Tablet Hardness Tester

Product Category :    Hardness tester

Supplier                :    Grovers

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Product Profile of Tablet Hardness Tester

Grovers international provides tablet hardness tester machines with 20 kgs capacity for testing tablets of 25 mm diameter. The company provides various ranges of machineries for pharmaceutical, drug, chemical, dyestuff, cosmetics, food & other industries. The other products of this company pharmaceutical and chemical equipments like fluid bed dryers, vacuum shelf dryers, tray type dryers, dry heat sterilizers and industrial ovens. These products are useful for sections like tablet compression, granulation & coating, tablet testing, liquids, ointments, creams & powders, packaging & labelling. The tablet hardness testers are available in specifications such as 1 kg net weight; 2.2 kg gross weight; and 30.5 [d] x 25.5[w] x 7.5 [h] cm case dimensions.

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