The Coffee Seed Roasting Machine embodies all the advantages of the larger machine and is built to the smallest possible space. They are of robust-construction, simple and compact in design and the best workmanship, incorporating the most up-to-date and ingenious methods of roasting coffee seeds at cheaper rate and with least loss of weight after roasting. The machine is entirely steel fabricated with ball bearing mountings. Navinchandra & Company is manufacturing Coffee Seed Roasting Machine.
Navinchandra & Company supplies a range of Post Harvest, Food Processing and other Allied Machineries. The exterior of the Coffee Seed Roasting Machine is made of highly polished sheet metal with small parts chromium plated. A built-in sample devise which enables samples to be drawn from the drum while the roasting is in progress, makes it possible to control the roasting process. The colour of the roasted seeds can be seen through an eye-glass which guides for the discharge. Heating by electricity is scientifically arranged to give uniform heating with cooling arrangement. Roasting is thus effected easily and rapidly. The vapours and husks are drawn off leaving an excellent roasted coffee with exquisite aroma and flavour.