
Sensitive And Stable Dissolved Oxygen Analyser

Sensitive And Stable Dissolved Oxygen Analyser

Product Category :    Dissolve Oxygen Analysers

Supplier                :    Elico Ltd

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Product Profile of Sensitive And Stable Dissolved Oxygen Analyser

Elico Ltd. Supplies Sensitive and Stable Dissolved Oxygen Analyser. Elico Ltd. Is an ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 27001 registered organization. The Sensitive and Stable Dissolved Oxygen Analyser have manual temperature compensation.

Applications areas of Sensitive and Stable Dissolved Oxygen Analyser are:

  • Natural Water: To ensure the state of dynamic equilibrium of DO maintained by biochemical depletion by bacteria for the food chain and continued re oxy-generation by aeration and photosynthesis and thus the availability of right amount of DO which is vitally important for flora and fauna in water. To detect pollution -lower level of DO [normal 7.1 ppm] will adversely affect the aquatic life.
  • Sewage Wastes: To ensure biochemical break-down treatment of sewage
  • Microbial Studies: To study effects of drugs on the brain tissues, other organs/limbs, circulation system muscle and connective tissues, malignant tissues and surface.
  • Agriculture: To ensure sufficient aeration in soil needed for underground respiration of plant roots in addition to photo synthesis.
  • Foods & Drugs: To ensure oxidation is not adversely affecting the food stuffs. To ensure DO requirements for fermentation in foods, distilleries and Bio-synthetic preparations in Drugs & Chemicals.
  • Boiler Feed Water: To ensure proper level of DO to avoid oxidative corrosion of Boiler pipes in steam generation, heaters etc.
Product Specification of Sensitive And Stable Dissolved Oxygen Analyser
  • Accuracy:± 0.1 ppm
  • Range:0 to 20 ppm
  • Repeatability:± 0.1 ppm
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