Pensol Industries Limited is the manufacturer of Semi Synthetic Two-Stroke Oil. It falls in the category of automotive 2 wheelers oils. Pensol Industries Limited is an ISO 9001:2000 certified company. The model name of Semi Synthetic Two-Stroke Oil is Pensol 2T JASO FC. The Semi Synthetic Two-Stroke Oil is high performance, low smoke oil designed to exceed stringent lubricity and detergency requirements of all leading motorcycles and other two-wheeler manufacturers.
This Semi Synthetic Two-Stroke Oil ensures exceptional engine protection and is ideal for direct-injection and oil pre-mix engines. The low smoke makes it eco-friendly in nature. The Semi Synthetic Two-Stroke Oil is recommended for all types of Scooters, Motorcycles and Mopeds having 2 stroke engines like Bajaj, LML, Kinetic, etc. The Semi Synthetic Two-Stroke Oil is available in 40ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1, 4, 20, 50 & 210 liters packs.