The Automatic Rotor Tester with 250 Watts Power Consumption, Model 4008RJ is the most reliable, fast and cost-effective way to detect faults in the rotors. The rotor tester detect faults in rotors such as broken & shorted bars, air porosity, interrupted bars, missing ring connections and deviation in skew angles. Jabbals manufactures Automatic Rotor Tester with 250 Watts Power Consumption.
Jabbals supplies Surge Comparison Tester, Automatic Sequential Analyzer, Automatic Safety analyzer, Automatic fan analyzer, Automatic Rotor tester and DC Hi-pot tester. The Automatic Rotor Tester with 250 Watts Power Consumption has user friendly front panel controls. This tester is fast and easy in operation.
Benefits of Automatic Rotor Tester with 250 Watts Power Consumption are: