Smc pneumatics introduces energy saving action plan. This energy saving plan decreases air consumption that leads to energy consumption. Due to this energy consumption the facility will be energy efficient .The company`s energy saving action plan helps to remove the energy wastage and reduces the air consumption. At first airflow monitors are installed in the plant to identify the current air consumption. The air leakage air wastage is the same thing. Sometimes the air wastage is 25 per cent of total air consumption of the shopfloor. According to the company tube cutters must be used for ensuring the face of the cut perpendicular to its axis. The usage of good quality air and piping distribution system to shun bends wherever possible leads to the further elimination of air wastage. The consumption up to 50 percent of total compressed air occurs due to the air blowing on shopfloor. Smc pneumatics advocates a special type of air gun nozzlers, to decrease the air consumption in air blowing applications by 75 per cent. Air consumed by the pneumatic cylinder can be reduced drastically without affecting the performance of the system. Smc pneumatics recommends special designed combination of flow valve and pressure valve, which when mounted on cylinder ports moves the cylinder at nearly half the pressure in return stroke resulting in 35 per cent reduction of air consumption. A energy saving software of smc pneumatics is also available for selecting the pneumatic component, which will consume right quantity of air, give optimum output and prevent over sizing in system designing.