HBC Fuse Link with Breaking Capacity of 80 kA at 415V is the product Standard Electrical. The product HBC Fuse Link with Breaking Capacity of 80 kA at 415V has range Bolted Type: 2-630A, Din/Knife Type: 6-630A and Cylindrical [RH] Type: 4-63A. The HBC Fuse Link with Breaking Capacity of 80 kA at 415V with higher breaking capacities possible. HBC Fuse Link with Breaking Capacity of 80 kA at 415V has reduced electromagnetic stress as a result of low cut off current thus providing ideal short circuit protection. HBC Fuse Link with Breaking Capacity of 80 kA at 415V is suitable for motor starting and switching ON power transformer due to superior surge withstand capability. The salient features of the HBC Fuse Link with Breaking Capacity of 80 kA at 415V: