Jodhpur based surface finishing equipment company supplies latest remote controlled shortcrete and guiniting machines with higher power, double chamber, continuously operating system. These machines are supplied in output ranging from one cubic metre per hour to five cubic metre per hour. These machines have several unique features such as rugged & sturdy design; extra power packed motor; absolutely leakproof steel pipe fitting; gears & worms manufactured on computerized programmed machine for accuracy & endurance; and high quality abrasion resistant rubber parts used for prolonged life. These machines are given no.1 rank by leading civil contractors in india. The modern design and technology help to reduce the power consumption. Special type of sprayed concrete is also included in these machines. These shortcrete and guiniting machines are provided with various accessories such as vibrating silos for sieving of concrete, remote control system for controlling the machine from the tip of nozzle and semi-west nozzle for shotcreting and enclosed area.