Product Profile of Vlf/hf Receiver
VLF/HF Receiver, [HS 495] offered by Bharat Electronics is a powerful receiver for voice reception and data communication. VLF/HF Receiver operates in the frequency range of 10 Khz to 30 MHz with a resolution of 1 Hz. VLF/HF Receiver is designed for civil,
Administrative and military applications. The VLF/HF Receiver can be locally controlled
By means of the control and display elements on its front panel. The salient features of the VLF/HF Receiver:
- Compact DSP based receiver for radio communication and search operation
- Provides demodulation for AM,CW,LSB,USB,ISB,FM,FSK, AFSK and FAX
- Switchable RF preamplifier
- Frequency range 10 kHz to 30 MHz in 1Hz steps.
- Easy to operate from front panel or via terminal computer
- Fast and low-noise synthesiser
- 1000 programmable channels
- 13 bandwidths from 150 Hz to 8 kHz
- High rejection of strong interfering signals
- Scan mode for programmable frequency ranges and any desired channel sequences
- High availability due to long MTBF [>14000 hrs] and short MTTR