Bharat Electronics offers Packet Radio Interface Modem Equipment, [PRIME]. The product Packet Radio Interface Modem Equipment is an applique unit for use with VHF and HF tactical radio sets to provide reliable data communication. The equipment Packet Radio Interface Modem Equipment, when used with a tactical radio and a data terminal or personal computer [PC], functions as a communications node in a packet radio data network. Packet Radio Interface Modem Equipment provides Computer Communication over existing tactical radio network. The powerful synchronous network protocol provides automated net management, packet routing and flow control within the network. Powerful forward error control and advanced channel access techniques enhance performance under adverse communications conditions. The Packet Radio Interface Modem Equipment has built-in optimized HF modem for interface to HF radio sets. The equipment can be interfaced at higher data rates to VHF radio sets with direct digital modulation. The Packet Radio Interface Modem Equipment has built in dual serial asynchronous ports for DTE [Data Terminal Equipment] and console with menu driven interactive software for setting the operating modes and parameters. The salient features of the Packet Radio Interface Modem Equipment: